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Option 1: Kindermusik Subscription Enrollment
$68/4 week unit
Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri= 4 payments per semester (16 classes)
Saturday= 3 payments per semester (12 classes)
This option allows you to enroll/withdraw when necessary during the school year.
Your payments will be automatically withdrawn every month for 3-4 months depending on which class/day you choose. (or your modified schedule if you join later in the school year). You can cancel your subscription any time.
Option 2: BUNDLE IT! Payment Option
Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs/Fri @ $252 per 16 week semester
***$16 SAVINGS!
Saturday @ $188 per 12 week semester ***$16 SAVINGS!
AVAILABLE AT THE BEGINNING OF EVERY SEMESTER UNTIL THE FIRST DAY OF CLASS. *ALL Bundle It! Families MUST re-registered for the 2nd semester if they want to continue.
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